
Study Shows Why You Were Friended or Unfriended

Have you ever wondered why some people add you and others remove you from their social networks? For the most part, people will add you because they know you in real life. But according to a recent study from NM Incite, 82% of Facebook users add people they know offline, 60% of people add other people when they notice they have several mutual friends – in hopes to get to know them better.

The remaining reasons include, superficial aspects like physical attractiveness, friend count, gender, race, age, and likes or dislikes. The infographic below goes over the different reason why people add you as friends.

But when it comes to unfriending people, there are a lot of different explanations. 50% of the people unfriend people because they make offensive comments, 41% are unfriended when they start to sell you products online, the other people are taken off because they “damage” reputation on your facebook. Like leaving you unprofessional comments on your wall or attacking your friends publicly – aka – embarrass you.

Most Men use Facebook to network and date, women use Facebook to connect with friends, get the “inside scoop” on deals and sales. Men tolerate abusive comments a bit better than women, it’s estimated that a Woman will unfriend a person almost instantly if they do not feel comfortable with the comments.