
We are to lazy to worry about Cellphone Security

According to a Survey taken in the U.S. a large number of us are to relax with our cellphone security. it was estimated that about 84% of us use the same cellphone for both professional and personal tasks, very few of us use phone-locking passwords, and about 66% of us keep personal data on our phones.

The problem is not so much as “they can steal my pictures or videos” but the fact that now days we tend to download several applications to facilitate our lives. Mint, Stock Trader, Chase Bank App, etc, and on top of that we even make purchases over the phone or our web browser. Despite of all the red warnings, or even the problems that this could have, we continue to use our phones and treating them as just a life facilitator. If for some reason, our phone ever gets stolen, we could potentially lose more than just a cellphone.

The survey showed that almost 67% of users are bothered more by mobile ads than by malware, a full 12% have been targeted of attempted mobile payment fraud. yet only 6% do a monthly check of their cell phone bill and only about 8% of the consumers asked check their phone statement whe it’s unusually high. And spite all of these red flags and risks, we continue to pretend everything is safe because it’s a phone and not a P.C. as the cellphones continue to get more and more advanced so does the people behind the phones trying to hack and crack the information being transmitted over the networks.

The survey [PDF] in question comes from security firm AVG and research and consulting firm The Ponemon Institute.

Read more at Mashable